How to create your first NFT for free

⛰️ Massis ⛰️
3 min readMar 12, 2021

If you have heard about NFTs and you’re a digital artist, you definitely should spend some time to get into this innovating way of selling your art or if you’re an art lover and collector you may want to get in early in this new eldorado, to give you an idea the artist Beeple sold the art piece “Everydays — The First 5000 Days” for $69 million in an auction at Christie’s.

“Everydays — The First 5000 Days”
“Everydays — The First 5000 Days” by Beeple, is a collage of images posted by the artist each day since 2007.

NFT means Non-Fungible Token, to put it simple NFTs are unique assets with specific properties and identification codes that cannot be mutually interchangeable, like named plane tickets for example.

Those NFTs can be used for many use cases, and the most used one for now is digital art, collectible digital cards for example or “moments” like the booming offers to NBA fans.

The process of making a digital art into an NFT is called “minting”, in this process the digital art becomes part of a blockchain like Ethereum which is basically a tamper-proof and unchangeable public ledger, to do that you may have to pay fees for the transactions on the blockchain, those fees can be quite high right now on Ethereum, but I will show you one way to do it completely for free !

Now, let’s say you have a piece of art : an image, a video or even a GIF, and want to put it on a NFT marketplace.

1° First you will need a crypto-wallet like MetaMask, no worries, it’s free and easy to setup, install the chrome extension :

If you need help setting up you wallet, check out this article :

2° Go to and create an account, the process is very fast as there is not much to fill in.

Login then click on “Connect a wallet”, this will interact with MetaMask, just follow the instructions.

4° Click on “Mint an item”, then “Create a new item”, keep the “easy mode” and click again on the create a new item button.

Mint an NFT for free on Mintable with the transaction-less mode

5° Fill in the details for your art, upload the corresponding file, etc, then price and sell type (fixed, auction or auction with but now)

6° When submitting a signature prompt will appear in MetaMask, confirm it.

7° And voilà ! Your NFT is now available for sale !

Yellow Vibe Mass’

You can now upload and sell your digital art for free on mintable.

This is just one way to create NFTs, you may want to try other NFT marketplaces like rarible or opensea ;)

Good Luck — Have Fun !



⛰️ Massis ⛰️

Developer. Tech enthusiast. Padawan Investor. Travel buff. Food taster. Mountain named dude. Occasional gamer